Natural Mosquito Bug Repellents


Warm weather is a time for outdoor fun, but, if there are mosquitos around, they can zap all the fun out of what you’re doing pretty quickly. In an effort to ward off a mosquito attack, some people coat themselves in layers of chemical repellants, some of which could contain dangerous chemicals.
Fortunately, there are natural alternatives to these chemical baths.
Insect-repelling plants
One way you can make your yard more hospitable is by incorporating insect-resistant plants like the citronella plant. Often called the “mosquito plant” it does a great job repelling insects.
Another great insect-repelling plant is the catnip. A study at Iowa State University found that it was ten times more effective than DEET.
Use natural mosquito repellants on your skin
Essential oils are one of the most effective natural mosquito repellants around when diluted in water and sprayed on the skin. Here is a list of some of the most effective:

Rose geranium


Mosquitos are attracted to scent
A report on NBC News says that mosquitos are attracted to the carbon dioxide your body produces. A perspiring body produces more carbon dioxide, so it is more alluring to mosquitos.
The Mayo Clinic issued a report stating that adding vitamin B 1 to your diet could alter your scent sufficiently enough to you a less inviting target. Also, eating garlic is an effective insect deterrent. On the other hand, mosquitos love the smell of beer, so try to stay away from the cold brew when you’re outside.
Finally, it is almost impossible to not have to interact with insects, but there are ways to protect yourself without the use of harmful chemicals.

Credits: naturalsociety.comGuest contributor.

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