She Packs Pounded Meat In Ziploc Bags And Places It Into The Freezer. The Motive? I Need To Be Doing This!


When I calculate the time that I spend in the kitchen, it exceeds the one that I spend in the bedroom. This is because I really love cooking.

I can’t consider myself a professional cook, but I must say that I am always searching for cool kitchen hacks that will ease my stay in the kitchen.

While on the internet, I came across a freezer hack. The trick is so simple and exciting to carry out!


RoniProter, a hack pro, demonstrates a wonderful technique of freezing pounded beef which ensures that softening and the serving process is easily carried out. The trick doesn’t need a lot of materials to carry it out as a freezer bag that can be sealed is the only thing required.

You really need to watch this video so that you can be able to do it yourself in your kitchen. The advantage of this hack is that it will not only make the defrosting process quick, but it also enables you to thaw your meat whenever you need to, instead of defrosting it all at once.

Let us know what your opinions over this trick are over this trick by commenting below. Please SHARE this kitchen hack to all your family and friends on Facebook!


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