A Woman Creates Her Dream Home after Losing Her First


Macy Miller has always marched to the sound of a different drummer. To her, fun stuff is believing in her big dream of owning a little house. Being an architect from the state of Idaho, Macy had always wanted a place that she could call her own; however, the thought of another mortgage was just too much for her after losing her previous home to foreclosure after her divorce.

Macy’s dream home consisted of a small 196 square foot structure, and even though it was compact it was hers and it was beautiful. Macy worked on her home for over two tears, spending nearly all of her free time constructing her little slice of heaven until she finally finished her cozy little cottage.

When viewing the comfortable place and no matter how small it appears from the outside, the final result is one of comfort and fine detail. It’s difficult not to envy Macy, after all, her cozy little cottage she can call her own only set her back about $11.000 dollars.

Macy Miller didn’t have a lot of experience with construction, but she was willing to learn.
It took her years, but she was working on making her dream come true.
So she never gave up.
She found new motivation after her divorce.
Not to mention her home foreclosure.
She was determined to make Tiny House a reality and avoid mortgages forever.
So the labor of love went on.
The most expensive part of the house was the composting toilet, which was $2,000.00.
She completed all of the wiring inside herself.
During construction, she fell off of the roof and broke her back.
But even that didn’t break her spirit.
The tiny home is eco-friendly.
And it’s highly efficient.
tiny house20 For Women Who Gets Sick Of Divorce And Mortgages, Amazing!
Every bit of space is used.
tiny-house19 tiny-house21
Not to mention, it’s also gorgeous.
She built it on a flatbed so she could take this little masterpiece anywhere.
She is free.

Now, after getting divorced and losing her house to foreclosure, Macy Miller has followed her dream and is free. We can’t help but respect that!

Source / Macy’s Blog
Image: Credits
Additional Sources: HuffPost

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