Will You Believe What He Came Up With Simple Ingredients? So delectable!


I’m reminded a lot from my childhood whenever I have jelly sandwiches and peanut butter on my table. It’s one of the easiest treats to make and both kids and adults will surely like it. I always thought whatever I was taking was the best until Chef John added a mouthwatering icing on the cake!

Within this clip, jelly sandwich and peanut butter are fried by the Chef and the end result is an ooey-gooey filling. This trick is really cool.

The chef reveals that he always had an obsession of frying things that are put on white bread and as a result frying items in white bread resulted. The end result is tasty fried jelly Pinchy pies and peanut butter.

This video has the step-by-step way of doing it in which cutting 3.5 inch rounds of the white bread with a rounder is the first step. Then, spreading the peanut butter to two slices of bread’s center while leaning 0.5 inch space at the border follows. The same procedure is done on the two slices that are remaining, but this time round with the jelly. The slices are then put together and pressed down other their edges until a seal is formed.


The pies are then placed in preheated oil where they are cooked until they turn crispy and golden. They are then dusted with powdered sugar while cooling. This is a quick recipe to try out, in fact within10 minutes all is ready!

Do you consider trying this tasty treat?

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