Said three young siblings who yearn to be adopted by the same family
I can only understand how hard it was not to have these things as someone who grew up in a loving family with a mother and father who were there all my childhood and a stable home to support me felt safe and loved.
Of course, there are countless less fortunate children around the world who, for various reasons, do not have biological parents to care for them. Some people are forced to live with their families, while others hope to be welcomed into their own families.
William (11), Marshall (10) and Aiden (10) are siblings who are familiar with the latter passion. The three brothers would like to live together.
Twins Curley, Larry and Moe are the nicknames given to Marshall and Aiden as well as their older brother Bobby. According to Partnerships for Kids, they play like only brothers can and they like to share.
Unfortunately, the boys are looking for a permanent home and do not want a divorce.
As a result, they look for the right family to adopt simply by saying, “We want a family!”
According to Partnerships for Kids, Bobby is quieter than his little brothers and tries to please others. His hobbies are swimming and martial arts, and he also enjoys playing Minecraft and solving puzzles.
On the other hand, Aiden is seen as a “leader type” who likes to be outside and learn new things. Marshall, his twin brother, is a cheerful young man with a vivid imagination who enjoys spending time with his two brothers.
According to Partnerships for Children, “boys will benefit more from a two-parent family with a father and mother than other children. They will dedicate their entire family to the boys and emphasize the importance of sibling relationships.”
“They symbolize friendship to me,” 10-year-old Marshall said when asked what his siblings meant to him.
Meanwhile Aiden said, “It means love.”
Aiden also said the brothers were tired of life on a boys’ farm and were forced to move.
He explained, “I’ve been here for three years.” “I had to move from one house to another. I had to move the first house.” I’ve been on the farm much longer than these two. “I was the first to arrive.”
My heart goes out to these guys and I sincerely hope they find a family that will adopt them.
Please share this article with the hope of bringing these little siblings to the fore of the possible forever home.