One very cold night, a rich man met a homeless old man outside.
One very cold night, a rich man met a homeless old man outside. The millionaire stopped and asked:
“I see you don’t have a winter coat, you’re not cold”?
The old man looked at him for a long time and then replied, “Not I, but I’m used to it.”
Then the rich man, startled by the answer, said: ‘Wait for me! I’m going to my house now and bring you a thick coat to keep you warm at night.’
The old man beamed at his face and happily told him he wasn’t going to wait for him there. The rich man entered the house, but forgot the promise he had made to the old man.
When he woke up in the morning, he remembered the poor man and ran outside to look for him.
Unfortunately, the old man died of the cold. The millionaire found a note from the old man.
“When I wasn’t wearing thick clothes, I had the strength to fight the cold weather because I was so used to it, but when you promised to help me, you kept your promise and it sapped my strength.”
Moral: Never promise anything, not even love, if you can’t keep your promise. It may mean nothing to you, but it could mean everything to someone else!