Mother And Children Have Something To Show Off


Tere Lynn Svetlecich Russell happens to be a mother of 5 and is 43 years of age. The Illinois residents who happen to know her and her 3 daughters refer them as the real life family of Rapunzels.

From when she was a toddler, she has always had some long and flowing hair. It seems her daughter must have inherited the same from their mom. 74 inches is the approximate length of Tere Lynn’s hair and Callan (her eldest daughter) has a hair that’s 36.75 inches, 36 inches is the length of Cendalyn’s hair while Chesney (her youngest daughter) has hair that’s 26.25 inches long.

Tere believes that Chip (her devoted husband) was attracted by her long locks. Chip agrees to the allegations and says that they were so appealing and eye-catching.

On a daily basis, all the Russel ladies make use of a ¼ of the hair conditioner whenever they are washing their hair. As opposed to her daughters, she never uses shampoo while in the shower since all did not work well when she gave it a try.


She does everything differently when cleaning her hair and they have been a position to win awards given by “Longest Ponytail Competitions.” As a family, they have that distinctive look and always wear the same outfit.

In the clip below, she’s taking the girls to the salon for the very first time and it’s a mind blowing occasion.

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