Just a walk in the woods led to a big surprise
The earth hides many secrets and things buried there waiting to be discovered for hundreds or even thousands of years. There are many people who have devoted their lives to discovering, exploring and studying the history to learn about the ancient people, the traditions, the culture and the daily life of the people who lived here long before us. What seemed like a simple walk through nature turned out to be an amazing discovery of history.
A man discovered what at first glance looked like a rabbit hole. He had the courage to go inside and was amazed at what he found there. It was an underground temple built centuries ago. People came to the conclusion that the Temple belonged to the Templars when they were looking for new members and money for the Crusades. Underground Temple Complex in Shropshire, UK.
The Templars were Christian military monks, also known as the Poor Companions of Christ and the Temple of Solomon. The organization was founded in Jerusalem in 1119 and recognized in the Vatican in 1128, where it gained considerable power. They became very influential, spread quickly and gained power through the protection and benefits offered by the Vatican. They are known for the red cross on a white background and this is their emblem in the Crusades.
The Templar Order was destroyed on March 22, 1312 when Philip IV of France forced Pope Clement V to do so because he was in debt. Many mysteries revolve around it, and many say that throughout time they guarded the Holy Grail, the cup from which Jesus Christ drank at the Last Supper. The place is said to be currently used by “black magic” practitioners.
Sometime after this event, an old man searched the area and found a sword that belonged to a noble member of the order. The rusty sword was priceless and the old man kept it.
A well hidden place full of history and secrets. At first glance, we might say it’s just a hole, but if we look closely, we discover very important things about our past. Let’s share this wonderful discovery!